RFP Process Timeline

Our process timeline is like a roadmap for our projects. It shows the steps we need to take and when to do them. This helps us stay organized and lets everyone know what’s happening.


We set goals and deadlines to make sure we stay on schedule. It’s important for us to have this timeline so that our projects go smoothly and everyone is satisfied. Take a look.


Thank you to everyone who has submitted grant applications for this funding opportunity. Our review team is in the process of evaluating the submissions and will make an award announcement by Dec 30, 2024.


For further questions, please feel free to reach out to Katherine Chavez at kchavez@nmqf.org. Thank you

1. Write An RFP Draft
Seek applications to perform a community-involved feasibility study on environmental cancer research in Flint, addressing pertinent research questions.
2. Project Website
Design a publicly available website/web page that contains all current materials and information related to the grant
3. RFP Advertising Plan
NMQF will create RFP promotion plan outlines announcements, news releases, website, and social media advertising. It includes project details, application process, and contacts.
4. Obtain MDHHS Approval
Prior to public comment period, obtain approval from the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS) that the RFP-Draft, Website Design, and Advertising Plan meets requirements
5. Public Comment Period
Post the MDHHS- approved RFP-Final Draft to the Website and host a public comment period for at least 14 days.
6. Public Comment Response Summary
Compose a summary responding to all public comments on the RFP, integrating relevant suggestions into the final document. Justify any exclusions.
7. MDHHS Approval
Submit the completed Public Comment Response Summary to MDHHS for review and approval. Incorporate any required updates or MDHHS feedback.
8. Evaluation Plan
Eval plan will describe RFP reviewer selection, training process, scoring rubric, evaluation process, and how the Subgrantee will be chosen and notified. Eval plan draft will be submitted to MDHHS in May.
9. MDHHS Approval
NMQF will submit the RFP Evaluation Plan to MDHHS for review. NMQF will incorporate any required feedback for approval.
10. Write RFP Final
Update the RFP-Draft, incorporating comments submitted through public comment period where possible. Publish the RFP Final onto the website.
November - December
11. Advertise Solicit and Eval Proposals
NMQF will publish the Final RFP in July, host pre-application conferences, accept applications through 11/15/2024 at 11:49 PM (EST), & evaluate applications through December.
November - December
12. Select a Subgrantee
Select a subgrantee based on evaluation criteria and submit a justification report to MDHHS. Once approved, NMQF will send award notice to subgrantee by 12/30/2024
13. Award RFP
Send award notification and Grant Agreement to selected applicant by 12/30/2024
14. Create a Subgrant Admin Timeline
Create a subgrant administration timeline with all outlined deliverables to subgrantee. Timeline on website will be updated to reflect Year 2 activities.

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